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The Heart of What We Do


Edgar Taylor

Our longest standing client, KCC have work with Edgar Taylor for over 20 years across Oxfordshire and combining counties.


PMS Oxford Construction Services

Currently carrying out maintenance on the UKAEA Culham campus for PMS.


UKAEA Culham

Currently carrying out maintenance work on the Culham campus


Barnfield Construction Ltd

We have started our first project with this large northern contractor


UK Diamond

KCC have worked with UK Diamond over a number of years on the Harwell Campus


Birch's Group

We have assisted this large family owned business in developing park homes.



Newley appointed to manage the UKAEA Culham site. We are now working with and pricing work on a number of different sites for this large Ireland based contractor. 


Tompkins Construction Ltd

A new client for KCC but we are off to a great start, Both Andy and Dave have been a pleasure to work alongside.


We have worked for ISG through 4 different regional offices and also for their Fit-Out side. With a high safety expectation KCC have proven themselves time and time again.


Cantay Estates Ltd

Currently on a couple of projects for this new client, both in the Kidlington area and look forward to working together in the future.

Balfour Beatty

One of the biggest contractors in the UK KCC have carried out a number of Schools and a Hospital for Balfours. We implented many new safety systems to be able to work for this contractor.


We have worked for Interserve over a number of projects now all around Oxfordshire and Hampshire. Having gotten to know the site teams has meant repeat work on other projects.


Carried out a number of projects for this contractor in the past. Most recently with Nanopore and Cobalt building at Harwell.


Ashe Construction

Currently doing our first contract for Ashe at Radley CE School. 

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Working for this large M&E contractor on the UKAEA Culham Campus

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